Ikhedut Parivahan Yojana Application 2023 Goverment Scheme For Farmers

Kisan Ikhedut Portal Yojana 2023: For The financial year 2023-24 The i-Khedut portal has been opened for all farmers to get assistance on freight vehicles under Kisan Parivahan Yojana implemented by the state government.

Kisan Ikhedut Portals Application Yojana 2023

The Gujarat Self Reliance Package has been implemented from the year 2022-23 to provide assistance to farmers under the Mukhyamantri Kisan Parivahann Yojna. a scheme has been started to provide financial assistance to the farmers of the state for the purchase of medium size goods carriage vehicles. This Schemes Moto is to facilitate the transportation of agricultural produce and enable the farmers of the state to buy goods carriage vehicles.
Prerequisite Eligible for availing the benefit of the Kisan Parivahan Yojana
Any farmer in the state can avail of this scheme.
Take assistance per account once in five years.
Must purchase The empaneled model of the company.
Scheme Name: Kisan Parivahan Yojana
Sector: Agriculture
Portal: ikhedut.gov.in
Documents For Kisan Parivahan Yojana
  1. 7/12
  2. 8A
  3. Aadhar Card
  4. Ration Card
  5. Mobile No
  6. Bank Passbook
  7. Cast Certificates

Apply Online

You can also read all details about Kisan Parivahan Yojana in Gujarati on Groupaxion.com for zoom images touch on it and you can easily read every single date. 

This is complete Info About Kisan Parivahan Yojana 2022-23. You can get more details, online applications, and the latest updates at the official portal Ikhedut.gujarat.gov.in. Share this post with all farmers because it’s a helpful scheme for farmers.

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